You don't have to settle to find your ideal partner

(c) nicotineaddixt

We all have a tendency to get our heads wrapped up with the idea that we have of a perfect man. We are hopeless romantics who keep falling for the wrong man, but are still in search of our own prince charming. But at some point in our lives, we reach our peak level. We get tired and at last, we surrender. That’s when we begin to settle. It doesn’t matter if the person we’re dating doesn’t meet out criteria of an ideal man. As long as he keeps our ego level at check, he keeps us company and avoids us from being put into awkward situations such as the single club, we’re okay with that. That shouldn’t be the case at all. AT ALL.

Settling only prevents us from meeting the right person and it keeps us in the relationship for all the wrong reasons. You don’t have to cut down the characteristics you’re looking for in a man just so for the sake of it. The right man will come and he will rise to meet your ideals. He will finally make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else. But you have to channel all these characteristics from yourself first. Be the person you’d want to date and eventually marry.

Dating doesn’t really mean you should be together. No. Dating is going out for dinner and genuinely getting to know each other. If date number 1 doesn’t work out, don’t push it. Move on.

How to channel the right person to your life?

1) Be yourself, not the person people dictate you to be

If you’re not honest with yourself in the first place, then how could you attract the right person to your life? Think about it.

P.S. This also goes with: Know what you want and be specific about it. Unless you don’t really know what you want, you wouldn’t know who the prince charming really is amongst all the frogs.

2) Be your best self

Learn new skills and explore new hobbies. Dress well for yourself; impress no one but yourself.

3) Be comfortable on your own

You don’t always need to have an entourage with you just so you could go to a place you’ve been dying to visit, or do something you’ve always wanted to try. I’m not against that, but don’t you think it’s nice to have some “me time” sometimes? Go just stroll around, walk on your own pace, listen to your thoughts and maybe even figure out something new by yourself. Plus, no man wants a woman who is so dependent on others. Be brave. You’re not a loner (screw whoever tells you that), you’re just a lady who decided to saunter the beauty of the world on her own stilettos.

4) Be open

People will come and go. Not everything will fall accordingly as you want it to be. Don’t let this dishearten you. Instead, take this as a turning point and move on.

5) Be out there

Go out and meet people! You don’t get to find “the one” when you’re at home, sulking and devouring that bag of chips. But, never make it a point to leave the house because you’re in “search” for him. You’re not a dog looking for his owner. You’re a smart and classy individual who is not just there looking for attention. Always do things with the right intentions.

Finally, don’t try too hard. The best things always come at the most unexpected times. He’ll find his way to you, and you to his. Don’t rush it.

Paalam! :)

As seen on Thought Catalog

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