A Letter to Myself: Valentine's Day 2016

Dear 18-year old self,

I am proud of you for making it this far. It was a tough ride, but hey we survived! You never let these kinds of celebrations get heavy on yourself for not having a sweetie pie to get all cheesy with, because you’re smart. You know Valentine’s is not just for the couples but to everyone celebrating love. It can be with family, friends, or even with your pets!

"You understand that love should be celebrated every day with every one, and not just on 14th Feb because it’s the so-called Valentine’s Day"

I admire you. Because after all you’ve been through, you never gave up loving. Please don’t ever. You were (and still) brave and managed it all strongly. You know you’ve given all that you can to make it work. But it will always take two to tango.

Stay true to who you are. You’ve always been no one else, but yourself. Some people may not get it, don’t bother. You don’t aim to please every one because it’s really impossible to do so. To others, you may come off as someone who’s carefree of the world and its people. But you’re not. In fact, you can be really emotional. But you’re mature enough to only express it to those who really understand you and matter to you. You are one of a kind, you are amazing, and you are perfect just the way you are. All you need is the right person to see it.

Come few more years, who knows maybe prince charming will come. But today, I am glad that you’re happy with just how everything’s sailing. No, you are not solo this Valentine’s Day. No one is, actually, because every one is loved by another individual whose hearts beats sweetly for them.



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